Saturday, December 11

See What I've Got!

Hey there! Saya baru selesai packing di kamar, khususnya beresin buku-buku dan baju buat dibawa pindahan. Wanna see what I got in here?

I don't know exactly what it is. tapi ni obat nyisa banyak buanget. LOL

Okay. I know what's on your mind. 3 kartu IM3, 1 kartu Axis, 2 kartu XL, 1 kartu Telkomsel.
tapi saya bukan dealer pulsa, bukan player juga loh. LOL

super LOL. sebagian udah ada yang dibuang, gak nyangka masih banyak foto begini. Parah. Buang atau bakar ya? Hmm..

Thursday, December 9

Love Lost

LOVE LOST -- The Temper Trap --

I like this song. Whenever I feel something lost, I assure myself that maybe I'll find something better.
if the love is true, it'd be constantly follow me. and if the love is true, there's no time to regret what I've done in the past. and, if the love is true, it always has its way back to me.

stellar ♥

Malam Terakhir

malam ini,
akan ku susuri liku ceritamu,
akan ku kenang sedikit saja segala problema di dalammu,
segala coreng moreng hari kemarin, hingga hari dimana aku tutup rapat semuanya.

malam ini,
biarkan ku repih sementara
dogma di dalam cekung romantika,
serta selubung neraka.

malam ini,
izinkan ku kecup setiap jengkal indahmu,
serta cacatmu!
setiap sudut yang akan buatku rindu
dan kuhisap keringnya debu-debu.

malam ini,
dingin menusuk memang
panas hati tak bisa dihindari
sungguh berat melepasmu, kawan
karena kesendirian pernah menjadi milik kita,
diantara tangis dan tawa
hanya kita saja.

jika ternyata abstrak itu bukan kamu,
detik ini,
aku akan tersungkur haru di pelukmu.
akan kuciumi parasmu,
refleksi kaku diriku.

malam ini,
'kan kubiarkan kau mendekapku
'kan kurasakan kembali hangat itu,
'kan kurekam jauh jauh jauh didalam batinku.

selamat tinggal, kawanku.
jika kau masih mengingat tetesan darahku,
jika kau masih mengingat setiap peluhku,
jika kau masih mengingat seberapa banyak airmataku,
jika kau masih mengingat sekuat apa aku bangkit bersamamu.

maka, ingatlah aku. teman setiamu.

Yang terkasih: Kamar No.8 Kosan Panorama 7. selamat tinggal kawan, rasa cintaku takkan pernah usang, walau kau hanya sebentuk kamar 4x4m ..

this blog post was taken from my facebook note:


click me. 
lot of smiles. 

adore you? 
phone calls. 
many phone calls. 

adore me? 
first encounter. 
second encounter. 
love you. 
miss you. 

second chance?  


good bye?

Contemplation: Some Old-Sayings

"I'm learning all about my life, by looking through her eyes .."
Through Her Eyes, Dream Theater

Gently, my mom hug me. I was crying all day, and she said, "Forget him. Move forward and all you have to do is to get up. You have life, and don't ever look back." What she said to me was when I being 'cured'. Almost half a year I've been so chained inside so-called love (or maybe that's point of view of sick people like me). I saw she cried, too. She never been so in pain, I thought.

Weeks after that, I still acted like an insane girl, obsessed by someone that already left me. I still cried all day and night, I still moved backwards. I still tried finding him in my past, I still tried comforting myself with what he did. Everything seemed so beautiful, positively pretty. Till I found myself dying, in pain, (Okay, I'm letting you to judge me that I am so excessive) and I still didn't get what I wanted..

Contemplation: Choose, Do, Love, and Respect. Do We?

Firstly, I have to remind you that this is not a note about love and relationship, if you think that way. I won't say it is about motivational note too, because I don't feel like I can motivate anybody. let's say that this is only my conscious thought about social life..
In case of bilingual ability of you, my readers, so I am going to use Bahasa Indonesia for this note (I am not humiliating your ability in reading English literature, of course)..

Pernahkah kamu menemukan seseorang (atau banyak orang) yang mengeluhkan apa yang mereka kerjakan atau apa yang menjadi pekerjaan mereka? Pernahkah kamu merasakan hal yang sama? Mengapa ketika kita melakukan pekerjaan (yang artinya, kita melakukan sesuatu) kadang disertai rasa malas dan bosan?
Pada dasarnya, manusia adalah makhluk yang tak pernah puas pada apa yang telah ia capai. Di sisi lain, ketika kepuasan itu tak kunjung datang, maka pemikiran seperti "bahwa saya telah gagal" atau "betapa sulitnya" itu kadang muncul. dan pada saat itulah, yang dinamakan jenuh. Lalu apa yang membuat mereka terus bertahan pada keyakinan bahwa pencapaian itu bisa mereka dapatkan?

Contemplation: One Step Further From The Prosaic, Customary Life

"To Believe is seeing all revealed and unrevealed scenes through your vision, mind, and heart." Rissa

Today I tweet alot about freedom, death, love, and anything that seems so crucially laid on people's mind. Okay maybe I am too pleonastic about all of that, but you know why I should expose this? Our people seems too pushed themselves to live in a fake world, made invisible boundaries around them and pretended that they happy..

Provoking myself to realize that I have my own life, and I should have my own provisions to carry, I'd like to see myself jump out of the bush, or cage, or anything, and see the world out there. Yeah maybe the world I'll see is not as good as when you look from the inside of your cage, but having insight through what you see, cannot satisfy you as well as you experience all of it.

By the time I learned about life, and keep learning about life, till now I can't find these answers:

It's All About Me, Clemmons, and Harmful Feelings

some people say that running away can't solve any problems, but I proudly say that I runaway for a while, just to get myself back to 'balance'. While I feel random thoughts of random things, I always feel that I need 'shelter'. At moment, let go of anything that makes me so hard to carry on. Sometimes, when I no longer can survive and finish it all, what I need is running away. Coward? Maybe. But if you can feel what I feel, You might not say that.

Hereby some photographs of me, taken in BIP by my closest friend, Winda. I ate a lot. Clemmons made me fell in love with its Katsu and Cold Ice Tea. Feel better? Yeah, of course.