Thursday, March 15

Typography #1

Don't Mess Up With Crazy Girl!

Emang bener ya, masalah itu selalu ada walaupun bukan kita yang memulai duluan. ada faktor dimana saya merasa muak pada satu keadaan (ketika saya baik-baik saja) dan seseorang tiba-tiba muncul sebagai trigger dari perasaan muak saya tersebut. jujur saja, saya enggan memulai satu masalah. saya doyannya nonton sebagai third party observer aja. komen sana-sini, tapi cukup dikonsumsi secara pribadi.

lain lagi masalahnya jika ternyata saya sedang merasa 'baik-baik saja' dan ada orang yang dengan sengaja merusak perasaan 'baik' saya. seriously, what's your problem? dan tipikal orang-orang seperti inilah yang paling saya benci. seugaaaan! gak pernah bisa ngerti jalan pikiran mereka, yang bisa dengan tiba-tiba menghancurkan atmosfer positif saya.

Wednesday, March 7

We are Arians and We are So Damn Sweet!

look how sweet they are... I love you both, @reniindria & @caisyaah! *hug from Jakarta*

Tuesday, March 6

Thursday, March 1

Perfect Guy For Imperfect Girl

A perfect guy is not a guy you expect to be.
A perfect guy for you cannot think about you 24/7, but he will keep your face inside his mind even when he's with his friends.
A perfect guy is not a blind. He will say pretty girls are pretty, and sexy girls are sexy. But, he will keep his heart for you.
A perfect guy for you is not a guy who strangely romantic just for you, even he is not. He will act as he feel comfortable when around you, with all his silly things he does.
A perfect guy for you is not merely a perfect creature physically. He thinks, "hell, I don't even care about my body." What he thinks about you is how to take care of you: your body, your feeling, your happiness.