Tuesday, December 27
Sunday, December 25
Relay Gigs - Bandung Drums Day & Mogwai in Concert
It was December 4th, 2011. Mogwai visited Bandung and banged all post-rock lovers' head.
Saya gak hapal lagu-lagu yang dibawakan Mogwai malam itu. It is not because most of their songs are instrumental, tapi memang saya bukan fanatik Mogwai. Overall, saya senang konser malam itu berjalan 'sebagaimana mestinya' konser post-rock, dim and way eminent.
Konser yang bertajuk "Avolution Urbanite" dan dipromotori oleh Soundshine ini dimulai dari pukul 9 malam (setelah keterlambatan selama 1 jam) dan berakhir sekitar pukul 12.30. Konser ini dibuka oleh performance dari L'Alphalpha. Saya pribadi, karena baru kali itu melihat penampilan dari L'Alphalpha, menilai kalau penampilan mereka malam itu outstanding. Cocok untuk jadi band pembuka sekelas Mogwai.

A Little Surprise from My Girls!
I was too busy with my new job in Jakarta. Therefore I forgot how to ask about how my bestfriends' life in Bandung, and what they are up to. As a (used to be) good friend, I know I've dragged too far from the circle of friendship. So, before I continue my post, I'd like to say sorry to my both bestfriend: Enoy and Icut.
One day, Enoy and Icut gave me a little surprise through Twitter. They sent me a picture when they were holding Gogirl! Magazine. It's just so touching and I want to hug them both right now. Huhuhu..
I miss them, of course. It's undeniable. Because we are #Arians, we already knew what's on our minds and knew what to do. And I thank them for being so patient waited for me to reach them once again.
Thank God I have 10 days off onwards. I am planning to visit them in Bandung and spending a little time of me with them. I can't hardly wait!
Thank you, ladies! x.o.x.o

Saturday, December 24
The Wishing Tree
Almost two years ago I posted this: Revolusi, bukan Resolusi di Facebook Notes. Yak, sampe saat ini saya gak pernah bisa melakukan perayaan apapun (terkecuali perayaan hari raya), karena itu memang sudah menjadi tradisi turun temurun bahkan dari sebelum saya dilahirkan.
Saya orang yang tidak pernah mengerti mengapa orang-orang begitu senang akan perayaan, namun tidak pernah melakukan kontemplasi lebih jauh tentang apa yang dirayakan. Contoh kecilnya, saya tidak pernah merayakan Valentine's Day atau bahkan hari ulang tahun saya sendiri. Saya rasa, masih banyak hal yang mestinya saya renungkan, tentang pencapaian-pencapaian yang belum sempat saya dapatkan di hari-hari yang lalu. Saya, entah kenapa, selalu merasa bersalah jika ternyata ada impian saya yang 'tertinggal'.

Busted: Azzura Sip & Dine (PVJ)
A few weeks ago I went to Paris Van Java with Rayn. Alasannya sih sederhana, saya udah lama gak 'hangout' di Bandung. Sebenernya sih gak sengaja, karena awalnya saya minta ditraktir sama si partner in crime saya satu itu, eh taunya dia nyanggupin. Hahaha.. Good Lord.
Sebelumnya saya berpikir untuk pergi ke Nanny's Pavillon Library yang ada di Jalan Setiabudhi. Tapi karena saat itu udah malem banget, makanya kita berdua cari tempat yang agak 'deket', even though PVJ is still not so close with Kawung Ungu.
Then, Voila! We had ourselves in crowded. We just remembered, that night was Saturday night. And worst, there were midnight sale throughout PVJ. *sigh* Gak salah, PVJ malam itu penuh banget sama orang-orang yang emang punya dua tujuan, bermalam minggu dan berburu barang diskonan.
Kita berdua sempet bingung mau makan dimana, but then I remembered that once I ate delicious Cheese Baked Rice di Azzura Sip & Dine. This ocean-themed restaurant is very cozy and the food tasted soooo good!

Thursday, December 8
Anything. Teach Me Anything to Behave!
Baby, I want you, nobody knows just how it feels.
I'm certain, I'm dreaming, your giving me something that's so real.
I'll be willing,
I'll be a fool,
I'll be something that you do.
Baby, nobody knows it feels so good!
Time fades and all that I want to say has gone away..
Tell me, what do I have to do to behave?
Baby, commander, is there a deal that we can reach?
If you feel the hunger, if your in need of some relief..
I'll be black
I'll be blue,
'll be something that you do!
Baby, remember, nothing can ever cut our view.
Time fades annd all that I want to say has gone away..
Tell me, what do I have to do to behave?
Come on when you gonna have me?
Come on when you happen?

Thursday, December 1
We used to be friends...
and yes we're still friends.
He used to be someone I never asked God to be my companion...
but then I want Him to keep us together.
No, maybe not forever.
Time's a liar. It never shows its exact self.
Maybe through the timeless memories,
we defy gravity,
into a vacuum space,
holding hands,
I can be with him as long as it should be.
I am no longer cold,
Thank God I can feel my hand again.

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